Category Archives: Wicca Crystal Magic – Lisa Chamberlain


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Key Words: Clarity, Higher Guidance, Intuition
Zodiac Sign: Cancer
Planet: Moon
Element: Water

Moonstone is named for its opaque, silver and white sheen reminiscent of the moon, although it can be found in a variety of colors beyond white—especially blue, gray, peach, and a multicolored variety called “Rainbow Moonstone.” Associated with the element of Water, it has a feminine quality that helps you tap into your inner wisdom and psychic abilities. It is also known as the “Traveler’s Stone” and has long been a talisman of safe journeys, though these journeys may be inward, soul-searching travels just as much as physical journeys to a far-away location. This stone’s affinity with the Moon makes it ideal for connecting to the regular cycles of and natural rhythms of life, reminding us that there is a time for all things, and that allowing for right timing is often better than trying to force things to happen on our preferred schedules. It has a calming energy that reminds us to stay in the present moment and open up to the joy available to us when we let go of the chatter of the mind and listen to the heart instead. In a culture where we feel pressured to “know the answers” and “be in control” of our circumstances, moonstone helps us
relax into the mysteries of the future, developing our intuition and staying open to possibilities we can’t see yet with our rational minds. In Wiccan magic, moonstonehas been used to increase psychic abilities and clairvoyance, relieve stress and foster compassion, and for ritual worship of triple moon-goddesses. It’s also a good stone for spellwork related to female reproductive health and childbirth, as well as erotic love and kundalini energies. Although it is ultra-feminine in its energy, it is not just a woman’s stone—it helps men tune into their own feminine side and encourages them to open up to more creative thinking and emotional balance. It’s also another good stone for encouraging restful sleep, particularly in children, and especially when on a trip away from home. It is still worn as a talisman when traveling, particularly at night and/or on journeys over water. Some people keep a moonstone
in the glove compartment of their car, and it is said to be good protection against road rage.


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Key words: Clearing, Protection, Vitality
Zodiac Sign: Aries
Planet: Mars
Element: Fire

Also called heliotrope, bloodstone is a deep, earthy green stone, usually speckled with bright-to-brownish red and sometimes gold. The green may also occur as greenish-blue to greenish-black, and may be translucent or opaque, depending on where it is found. Bloodstone gets its name from a myth about the crucifixion of Christ—that some of Christ’s blood fell on some green jasper stones. Some specimens may almost entirely lack the red inclusions, but holding bloodstone up to bright light can reveal colors not seen in ordinary light. Bloodstone is a powerful crystal for blasting through negative, distracting, or excessive emotions in order to get to the truth of a situation. It helps to calm the mind and dispel confusion for better decision-making. Its energy is practical, strong, and grounding, and good for helping you return to the present moment after too much worry about the future or regret about the past. This makes it a good stone for heightening intuition, as we can only really hear our inner wisdom when we are still and centered in the present. Bloodstone has been used in magic to reduce emotional and mental stress, stimulate kundalini energy, and psychic healing. It is also used in rituals to honor the Goddess and for seeking information about past lives from dreams. Many use bloodstone as an aid in banishing negative energy, as well as in weather magic—drawing on the power of a strong wind or rainstorm to increase strength and courage or wash away unwanted habits or patterns. It’s good for fertility and attracting money, and excellent for manifesting healing of all kinds. Wear or carry it to increase mental clarity and calm the mind, and for strength when adjusting to change. As a booster of energy levels, bloodstone is also good for physical endurance, and makes a good luck charm for those involved in sports competitions.

Tiger’s Eye

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Key Words: Clarity, Balance, Vitality
Zodiac Sign: Capricorn and Leo
Planet: Sun
Element: Earth and Fire

Tiger’s eye is a beautiful stone of light to dark brown with gold highlights and dark brown to black banding, which, when polished, resembles the shimmering stripes of a tiger and creates a similar “eye” effect to that of malachite. As an “eye stone,” it was regarded by the ancient Egyptians and Romans as a stone of protection as well as “second sight,” allowing its wearer to see beyond the physical limits of doors and walls. The energy of tiger’s eye is excellent for soothing and resolving emotional turmoil, as it helps you observe emotional patterns from a more distanced, objective standpoint. Witnessing the larger picture of a situation, including the viewpoints and circumstances of others involved, helps facilitate the release of emotions that may be blocking your ability to leave the situation behind and evolve into higher levels of consciousness. Tiger’s eye is helpful in this regard for its ability to help you
separate fantasy (which arises from emotion) from the reality of the situation. This energy is also good for helping you gather focus and renewed energy when pursuing a goal, especially one that is relatively long-term and complex. It promotes courage, strength, and the ability to see things with true optimism. Magical uses for tiger’s eye include invigorating overall energy and physical health, as well as spellwork for courage and self-confidence. It’s good in rituals related to emotional clarity and for protection and grounding. As a “reality” stone, it is also a prosperity stone—its grounding properties help curb temptations toward gambling or other impulsive spending, and improve the ability to attract wealth through practicality and focus. Many people carry tiger’s eye for good luck, as well as increased psychic “radar” to cut through any deceptions or illusions created by others. Additionally, this stone
has been used by those with affinities for tigers and other big cats as a prayer stone for their conservation and well-being in the wild as well as in sanctuaries.


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Key words: Grounding, Self-awareness, Creativity, Vitality
Zodiac Sign: Leo
Planet: Sun
Element: Fire

With its rich red-orange-to-orange coloring, Carnelian was known to the ancient Egyptians as “the setting sun.” Single pieces of this stone can actually include several shades between red-orange and golden yellow, and are sometimes streaked with white. Used in Egyptian magic as protection against the evil eye, it was also carried by the Romans for protection and courage. Carnelian’s energy is bold and joyful, encouraging and empowering, making it a great stone for any situation in which you need a strong boost of positive personal power. Carnelian also has a grounding influence, helping to anchor us in the present moment and therefore make better use of the high-level energy it provides. It can calm anger and replace it with new enthusiasm for life. Its energy is good for endurance, motivation, courage, and passion—traits that bring success in whatever endeavor you’re hoping to succeed in. It helps overcome procrastination and helps you move from the dreaming/planning phase of a project to the action required to get it done. Creative types can benefit from carnelian’s ability to move past creative blocks and manifest
one’s inner vision in the outer world, particularly when one’s “inner critic” is the main obstacle. Carnelian helps those struggling with indecision to make a choice and act on it, bringing them closer to achieving their goals. Wiccans have long recognized carnelian’s assistance with grounding and aligning with one’s spiritual guides, and it makes a good talisman against “psychic attack,” or negative thoughts projected by others. It’s also good for spellwork related to love and to invigorating a relationship with new sexual passion. As a motivator and activator, it is said to
attract prosperity and is good for money-making ventures. Some use it to guard their homes from theft, storms, fires, or other damage. It is also known as the “Singer’s Stone,” and can promote confidence in people performing on stage. Most often, however, it’s worn to enhance desire, passion, and love.

Rose Quartz

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Key words: Love, Self-awareness, Balance, Transformation
Zodiac Sign: Taurus
Planet: Venus
Element: Earth

A pink variety of quartz crystal, Rose quartz is universally associated with love and relationships, including friendship. In Greek legend, this stone was brought to the people of Earth by Eros, the god of love, in hopes of inspiring love among them and dissipating the anger that caused them to remain lonely and apart. It has been used in love talismans since ancient times, often carved into hearts and given as a gift to a loved one. Rose quartz can vary slightly in appearance, from translucent to opaque pink, and the brightness of the color can depend on the amount of sun exposure the crystal has experienced. However, even the palest of these stones has great power. Rose quartz has a nurturing energy and is good for recovering from emotional upset. It strengthens compassion and the ability to forgive others for past wrongs, which is necessary for inner peace and for attracting positive, healthy relationships. It promotes the ability to accept yourself just as you are, and to accept other just as they are. Rose quartz is good for spellwork devoted to all things love-related, including the love of friendship, whether you’re working to bring new
love into your life, or heal from old relationship issues. It’s also helpful for grounding yourself after spellwork or divination. Placed by the bed, it promotes the restoration of trust and harmony, and is great for both children and adults as a sleep crystal. Place one under a child’s pillow to relieve nightmares and/or fear of the dark. Rose
quartz is also a good crystal to have near your computer, as it helps prevent eye fatigue and resulting headaches. Adding it to a magical bath promotes feelings of overall well-being and release from emotional troubles.